Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
U.S. Soldier
Model Specifications
The U.S. Soldier character model can be used with and without weapons and with a set of animations (see the specific weapons and animations Model Description Documents for more information). Weapons are attached and detached from the U.S. Soldier character model at specific attach points. During runtime weapons are attached and detached to the model by the visualization system that controls the 3D model. This model can be used with any visualization system that can import FBX or COLLADA formats.
The character model components include:
Scorpion OCP (Operation Camouflage Pattern) Fatigues
ACH (Advanced Combat Helmet)
IBA (Interceptor Body Armor)
Knee Pads
Elbow Pads
Combat Gloves
Combat Boots
Ballistic Glasses
The animations associated with this character are shown below:
Crawling (stowed)
Crouching (ready, fire, fire left, fire right)
Digging w/E-Tool
Kneeling (stowed, ready, fire, fire left, fire right)
Prone (stowed, fire, fire left, fire right)
Running (stowed, ready)
Standing (idle, stowed, ready, fire, fire left, fire right)
Standing Cover (fire left, fire right)
Walking (stowed, ready, fire, fire left, fire right)
The weapons and attachments associated with this character are shown below:
AT4 M136
Claymore Mine
M16A with M203
M9 Pistol
Stinger FIM 92
Blood pool