Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
SBIR award to study terrain services for mobile devices
Posted on May 1, 2008
The “High Fidelity Runtime Database Engine” SBIR, awarded by RDECOM-STTC, will focus on developing a next-generation terrain database format, along with supporting services, designed to handle extremely high resolution synthetic natural environment data on limited computing resources. Dignitas Technologies is joined by Applied Research Associates (ARA) as a subcontractor on this effort. The Phase I effort will conduct research into high-resolution terrain skin and natural feature representations based upon the team’s extensive experience with live, virtual, and constructive terrain database formats. The team will reuse technology originally developed to provide detailed line-of-sight calculations on a hand-held device.

Dignitas Technologies, established in 2004, is dedicated to understanding customer Modeling, Simulation, & Training (MS&T) needs and providing specialized, architecture-centric, agile solutions. We specialize in system and software analysis, design, development, testing, and fielding of MS&T and mission rehearsal applications.
The developed concepts will support functionality ranging from automated terrain analysis in support of computer generated forces to low-level geometric calculations such as geo-pairing. The format will correlate with visual terrain databases, and will support rapid updates. The Phase I effort will include investigation of early prototyping partners and interviews with major efforts related to embedded training, including the Future Combat System (FCS) and RDECOM research efforts such as MATREX.