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Dynamic Terrain Phase III Award


Posted on October 1, 2010


Dignitas Technologies has been awarded its third Phase III contract as a follow on to its Dynamic Terrain SBIR. This award demonstrates our ongoing commitment to conducting research through SBIRs that is applicable and relevant to current M&S needs. This initiative, awarded through ARL STTC, will support PM GCTT efforts such as CEVT and CDT to prepare for next-generation interactive construction and combat engineering simulators in a way that dovetails with upcoming SE Core and OneSAF dynamic environment initiatives.

Dignitas Technologies, established in 2004, is dedicated to understanding customer Modeling, Simulation, & Training (MS&T) needs and providing specialized, architecture-centric, agile solutions. We specialize in system and software analysis, design, development, testing, and fielding of MS&T and mission rehearsal applications.

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