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Dignitas joins ProActive’s MRTS 3D® Team


Posted on December 21, 2018


Dignitas Technologies is joining the Multipurpose Reconfigurable Training System 3D® (MRTS 3D®) Program as a key subcontractor to ProActive Technologies. The MRTS 3D® is a family of trainers providing a virtual training environment simulating a variety of systems.

MRTS 3D® is an affordable, versatile and flexible, flat panel touch-screen gaming technology. The system gives students multiple opportunities to virtually perform specific tasks such as turning valves and selecting tools for the job before them. MRTS 3D® is being used to train on submarine radio rooms, Virginia-class attack submarine torpedo rooms, emergency diesel generators, and aircraft Mobile Electric Power Plants.



Dignitas Technologies, established in 2004, is dedicated to understanding customer Modeling, Simulation, & Training (MS&T) needs and providing specialized, architecture-centric, agile solutions. We specialize in system and software analysis, design, development, testing, and fielding of MS&T and mission rehearsal applications.

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