Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020
Dignitas Support for Common Driver Trainer
Posted on January 28th, 2020

Seaport NxG
Dignitas Technologies was awarded a new Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract by the U.S. Navy, under the multiple-award SeaPort NxG contract vehicle. SeaPort NxG has a value of up to $5 billion, for a five-year base period with one five-year option.
Seaport NxG is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 23 functional areas. The Navy Systems Commands, the Office of Naval Research,and the United States Marine Corps all compete their service requirements among Seaport NxG multiple award contract holders.
Urban Reconnaissance Through Supervised Autonomy (URSA)Environmental Representation Data and Effects (ERDE)
Dignitas Technologies was awarded two General Services Administration (GSA) OASIS contracts. OASIS is a Multiple Award, Definite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract administered by the GSA.
OASIS Pool 1 awarded to Dignitas Technologies as a prime, covers work under the NAICS 541330 (Engineering Services).
OASIS Pool 3 awarded to Dignitas Technologies Joint Venture as a prime, also covers work under the NAICS 541330 (Engineering Services) with Exceptions A. B, and C.
Unified Action Partner (UAP) Multinational Interoperability (MNI)
Dignitas Technologies was awarded a GSA Multiple Award Service (MAS) schedule contract administered by the General Services Administration (GSA).
Dignitas has Battlespace Visualization and Interaction (BVI) products, support, install, and training for sale as well as services. Our services are currently listed under under SIN 54151 (Software Maintenance Services).
Products (BVI systems)
Ancillary Services (training, install, support, hourly services)
GSA Advantage (search for Dignitas to find all our offerings
Contract Number:
Dignitas Technologies was awarded the Air Education and Training Command Multiple Award Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract under the General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service. The task orders under this IDIQ include course development and delivery services for the AETC, a command under the Air Force that recruits, trains, and educates Airmen.
​Dignitas is one of six other WOSB awardees on this IDIQ. We will compete for individual task orders with these six other companies.
Task Orders:
Leading Inclusivity Virtual Experience (LIVE) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Education, Training Development, and Delivery
Contract Number:
Dignitas Technologies was awarded the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Architecture & Integration Directorate (AFLCMC/XA) Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.
The AFLCMC/XA Directorate's mission is to work with the requirements community and S&T/Industry to analyze gaps, requirements, missions, threats, and technologies and to develop systems or solutions to address warfighter needs while launching high confidence programs.
AFLCMC/XA activities include:
Modeling, Simulation & Analysis (MS&A)
Capability Development/Development Planning (CD-DP)
Cost Analysis/Trades
Technical Risk Reduction/Test Engineering
Standards and Architecture Development and Curation
Software Development and Curation
Advanced Synthetic/Virtual Simulator Environments Development for Operational Test and Training
Contract Number:
U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Electronic and Communication Services (ECS)
This IDIQ contract provides support for all existing and any future USMC training systems and any corollary Foreign Military Sales. Task orders support Marine Corps equipment and training systems, such as simulators or simulations systems for individuals, teams, units, or crews to rehearse operational tasks and technical skills. Task orders may include post deployment software support (PDSS), system updates, and cybersecurity.
The ECS MATOC supports USMC programs:
Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Tactical Warfare Simulation System (MTWS)
Deployable Virtual Training Environment (DVTE)
Combined Arms Command and Control Training Upgrade System (CACCTUS)
Combat Convoy Simulator (CCS)
Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT)
Marine Corps Driver Trainer (MCDT)
Supporting Arms Virtual Trainer (SAVT)
Combat Vehicle Training Systems (CVTS)
Task Orders:
Combat Convoy Simulator (CCS)
Contract Number:
National Cyber Range Complex (NCRC) Event Planning, Operations, and Support (EPOS) Lot 2
NCRC EPOS is an MA IDIQ to provide services to plan and execute events at NCRC locations and operate and maintain the NCRC technical infrastructure. The NCRC provides the ability to conduct realistic cybersecurity Test and Evaluation (T&E) of major Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition programs and the ability to conduct realistic training, certification, and mission rehearsal events for the DoD Cyber Mission Force (CMF).
Lot 2 Small Business Set-Aside Services Include:
Enterprise Information Technology Service Management (ITSM)
Enterprise Knowledge Management (KM)
Enterprise Security
Technology Investigations and Prototyping
Task Orders:
Charleston Site Support
Contract Number:
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III
Phase III contracts derive from, extend, or complete an effort conducted under a Phase I or II contract. A Phase III contract can be funded with any non-SBIR funds. All competition requirements have been met via the competition for the Phase I or II award.
Dignitas has executed Phase I or II contracts in the following areas. Dignitas has received 10 total Phase III awards for the topics marked with an asterisk*.
*High-Fidelity Runtime Terrain Database Engine
*Dynamic Terrain System Process Development
*Automated Generation of Underground Structures
*Terrain Database Correlation and Automated Testing Technologies
Dynamic Formats in Distributed Simulation Systems
Algorithms for Ground Soldier Based Simulations and Decision Support Applications
Methodologies and Algorithms for Ground Soldier Load and Route Selection Decision Applications
Urban Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Models
Distributed Synthetic Environment Correlation Assessment Architecture and Metrics
*Dense Urban Environment Technologies (DUET)
*Cyber Battlefield Operating System Simulation Tools for LVC Simulations
Intelligent Cyber Adversaries Tool Suite (ICATS)
Automating Procedural Modeling of Buildings from Point Cloud Data
Flexible and Live Adaptive Training Tools (FLATT)
Real-Time Mapping from Over-Water Imagery
Naval Cross Platform Hypercube Enabled Acquisitions and Targeting (NxP HEAT)
Geospatially Integrated Cyber Situational Awareness
Advanced Geospatial Interoperability Testing for Simulations (AGITS)
Cyber Simulation TRaining for Impacts to Kinetic Environment (CyberSTRIKE)
Software-Centric Immersive Virtual Environment (SIVE)
Adaptive Instructor Aids for VR/AR Classroom Training